Thursday, April 16, 2009

Gender Confusion, Post-Surgery.

YAWN. I'm sleepy. Okay, so yesterday I had my surgery to remove my appendix, and I'm alright now, on pain meds. I'll be back at school on Monday hopefully.
I was planning on giving my Dad a coming-out letter yesterday that he could read while I was under, but the day before I realized I wasn't sure enough of myself to be declaring anything for certain in a letter. Also, it felt cowardly, because it called for certain female relatives of mine to lay off. I just need to man-up and tell them to mind their own goddamn business.
Lately I've been feeling redonkulously gender confused. For those who dont know, I am 100% biologically female, but my gender identity is male, but my gender-expression is all over the place, I'm not physically attracted to anything, but I'm romantically attracted to women. So it stands. My name, or what I'm called at school, is Erik. Erik Kaleido. So I guess this is why I started this particular blog. Also to help anyone else who feels as confused as I do, or for those who simply are curious and want to know about those who are not "normal", which I suppose would mean anyone who isn't straight. I think I'll post my coming out letter up here, for those who need help on what a coming out letter should include.

Now for some quotes:
"I shall seize Fate by the throat; it shall certainly not bend and crush me completely." - Beethoven

"He had a heart that could have held the empire of the world; and, in the end, he had to content himself with a cellar." - Gaston Leruox, The Phantom Of The Opera

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." - Einstein

"We're All Mad Here" - Lewis Carol

"Oh friends, not these notes! Rather let us sing more cheerful and more joyful ones!" - Beethoven, again.

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